Tuesday, January 3, 2023

what are some good resources for c++ coding practice?

C++ is a powerful programming language and a crucial skill in any modern programmer's repertoire. Developing proficiency in C++ requires time, dedication, and the right resources to get yourself up to speed. Fortunately, there are numerous resources available for C++ coding practice for both novice and advanced users.

For beginners, Codecademy offers courses that teach the fundamentals of C++ without requiring any prior knowledge of coding. Each lesson comes with written instructions and interactive exercises to help you walk through each concept until you have a complete understanding of it. Alternatively, Educative provides an extensive playground of interactive lessons that teach C++ from the ground up.

Once you've mastered the basics, you can move on to HackerRank which provides challenging exercises that test your skills and help you increase your coding speed. The site also has a vibrant discussion forum where users are encouraged to discuss problems that come up during their coding sessions. Additionally, LeetCode has a vast selection of algorithm-based programming challenges that focus on topics such as sorting and searching algorithms, data structures, and mathematics.

Of course mastering the language goes beyond practice with the language itself: good C++ professionals need to be well-versed in its libraries and frameworks as well. To stay on top of new developments in these areas, both The Ultimate Raw Coding Library and C/C++ Tips & Techniques are helpful websites for finding useful information quickly. Bjarne Stroustrup's website is also an excellent source if you want to learn more about advanced topics like classical libraries or template meta-programming techniques within C++.

See more about coding practice c++

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